
Techno Fashion Community

The new Style and Fashion trend - enabeld by Wearable Electronics

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Techno Fashion is the place where you will find everything about Wearable Electronics and Techno Fashion.

Why does Wearable Electronics matter?

It is naturally for you to carry: a cell phone, Blackberry, digital camera, GPS, pens, iPod and a Palm handheld next to things like: Business cards, credit cards, ID cards, Key cards, Membership cards ...

A lot of stuff in your pockets, loose, easy to forget and sometimes, inconvenient to use.

Now imagine some, if not all, of those functions and items are integrated or attached to your clothing or bags for more convenient use.

Wearable Electronics makes this possible! Have a look and decide for yourself if Techno Fashion can satisfy your needs and your desire to look great.

Stay informed and updated on the latest products and designs. This is the place where you find everything relevant to Wearable Electronics and Techno Fashion.

Copyright © 2006 Techno Fashion Community. All Rights Reserved.